Sunday, September 8, 2013

First Post--Hello World!

This fall I started my senior year of college. Typically in college you take classes and as part of my social media studies course we have been assigned the task of creating a blog and writing in it throughout the semester. I'll be writing about topics related to social media, my life and my life using social media. Plus anything and everything else inbetween. Below I'll give you the stats on my life aka random information you should know in order to read this blog without being completely and utterly confused (assuming someone besides my mom, professor and roommate are reading this).

Name: Jess Canter
Hometown: Philadelphia
Current Location: Washington, DC
University: American University
Major: Public Communication and Political Science
Dream Job: Still deciding
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite TV Show: Happy Endings (RIP)

I also like long walks on the beach, pina colatas and getting lost in the rain. You can always find me at the refreshments table.

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